Great alternative to the web site, but Im not sure if its because I have about 6000 pictures in my account with 60 or sets, and theyre fairly large pictures (18mp camera), but it will work ok for the first 30 or so pictures while browsing full screen, but then I get glitches. It will stop displaying pictures full screen, the full screen button wont work, it wont load any more thumbnails. Occasionally pictures get off center so Im only seeing the top right quadrant. Othertimes it does eventually work, but it takes a long time to respond. I dont know how well it works for changing sets and photo information on-line, but Im a little hesitant to use it for that purpose. I do have a pretty fast cable connection, so thats not the problem. Admittedly I am using it on an old Core 2 duo iMac, but it is up to date 10.6.7 and has 3gb of ram. Maybe if the hold up is related to processing large image, the developer could give the option of using the 1024x1024 versions of the photos flickr makes available.
If it worked more reliably, I could see giving it 5 stars. Hard for me to use as is right now.
Update: my bad, I hadnt restarted my computer in awhile, it worked much better after that.
INDRA LIM about flickery