First day review:
Uploading unreliable… two crashes in 3 attempts. Successfully uploaded 10 pix, attempted 57. I was hoping that upload function would be worth the money, since other upload methods to the new flickr, including flickrs’ own, are buggy as well. *thumbs down* perhaps the problem COULD be on flickr’s end.
I added two new faves to my fave list from the flickr website… even though I opened the app AFTER the two new faves were faved, they didn’t show up in the app until i cleared the cache, even if i left the page, left the faves section, etc… everything short of re-opening the app.
Search results are erratic… same search returns different results on same data.
Only shows comments for the last week- no setting to change that.
Only shows a few of the recent uploads of my contacts. No setting for how many for each contact. I haven’t yet found the “secret” of how many are displayed.
Comment text WAY WAY too small- no adjustment setting. Buddy icon on comments displays as html text, not as icon… makes reading comments even more difficult and confusing. When you add the html to the tiny text, it is pretty much worthless.
Cycling through one page at a time with no skip provision is very awkward for large accounts.
Contacts names are displayed as their real name, not the familiar screen name, this is oftentimes confusing (and the buddy icons are too small)
Things I like:
1. The interface is very familiar and looks good.
2. The ability to change the thumbnail size *big thumbs up*
3. Big huge pictures (but you have to wait for them to load)
4. In the big huge picture mode, you get a clear thumbnail while the big pic loads- this allows you to skip the pic immediately without waiting for the entire large pic to load if, from the thumbnail, you decide you don’t really wnat to see it. Flickr could learn a LOT from this.
5. One click to go to the actual Flickr page
6. Over all, loading pix is s.l.o.w. but still better than the new flickr and it doesn’t jump around like flickr does
A nickname that is not yet tak about flickery